Family is one of the most important, if not the most important thing in our lives. Taking time every day to appreciate your loved ones for all that they do helps us to reconnect as a family.
This girls has changed so much over time, she grow and blossom as a rare flower she is. I am proud to be with her and document her journey along the path of life.
Her name is Adela and she is a pure soul. She is like fudge – mostly sweet with a few nuts. The friend you want to have when you need a shoulder to cry and a cheer up, she is the perfect partner in crime and the informal leader of the gang. Her family is lucky to have her!
“In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony.” –Friedrich Nietzsche
This girls, those big, curios eyes. She melts hearts and sets an example to follow.
Family ties mean that no matter how much you might want to run from your family, you can’t. But the thing is that family is the place where you always want to be; where you go to lick your wounds, to bandage your heart, to fill your soul with joy and gather courage to grow wings to explore new heights. This girls grows angel wing and sets to a path of greatness!
Her love for animals and nature reveals the pureness of hear heart. Happiness for her is having a large, loving, caring family , close-knit friends, nature and pets around.
You are perfect, sweet Adela! I love and cherish the memories we make with our family! This is everything one needs to be complete.